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Interpreter Service
Ensuring equal access to our services
Many people in our community do not speak English or have a very limited understanding of the language. To make sure everyone can access our services we offer free interpreters.
TIS National delivers this free service on behalf of the Australian Government and offers access to over 3,000 interpreters in over 160 different languages.
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Callum WrightRole: General Manager About:
Daniel PeckRole: Medical Director About
Sheriden EmonsonRole: Education and Training Coordinator About: Dr. Sheriden Emonson leads and supports our clinical staff. Working with them to ensure the highest standards of patient care are fostered and upheld and the clinical governance framework is maintained. Dr Emonson has a passion for providing holistic general practice to our community. She works part-time as a general practitioner, lectures medical students at Monash Medical School, and works in outpatient cardiology. She has additional postgraduate qualifications in areas of focused psychological strategies, Choice theory, ALS, ECG interpretation, and Boston scientific pacemaker training. Areas of clinical interest include chronic disease management, mental health, and cardiology.
Lyndal WhiteheadRole: Practice Manager About:
Narelle TognoliniRole: Business Services Manager About:
Becc CheersRole: Coordinated Care Services Manager About: Becc Cheers is our Coordinated Care Services Manager and looks after Chronic Disease Management, Allied Health, and Aged Care at Bendigo Primary Care Centre. Becc has developed a love of primary care nursing over her more than 20-year career, relishing the opportunity to get to know people and make a long-term difference in their lives. A registered nurse, division 1, Becc worked in emergency medicine at Bendigo Health for 13 years before moving to general practice. She also spent two years working for the Nurse on Call hotline and the COVID-19 hotline alongside her roles in the clinic.
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